I have found that I want to be a Computer engineer since Mattayom 2. There I met new a computer teacher who started inspiring me to the point that I could hardly ever wait for another week to attend his class. In Mattayom 4, since I decided I would study Mathematics and Science program, I have studied Calculus, Android Development using Java coding form in Computer programming and Romeo and Juliet literature in English class. My GPA 3.35 show that I am sure the day I enter Chulalonkorn University I will be ready.
Although I always put all my effort in academia, I also spared my time for voluntary work and extra activities. When I was in Mattayom 5, I had opportunities to be a leader in guiding junior Mattayom students to cheering against other schools. I then have learned from this responsibility that unity and leadership are very significant characteristics a successful person ought to possess. I used to visit Almshouse to stay with the elderly because their families had little money to afford his grandparents or cousins. Every summer, I went to this place to make them