At the moment, my cardiovascular fitness is not very efficient, if I do not improve my cardiovascular fitness, it will increase my likelihood of heart disease and respiratory problems down the road. By increasing my cardiovascular endurance level, it can help my cardiovascular and respiratory systems to function properly while under the stress of challenging exercise sessions. Like the book mentions, improving cardiovascular endurance will not only help boost oxygen to muscles over an extended period of time but it can help improve my physical fitness level. Having short term and long term goals for improving my cardiovascular endurance, will help make a difference with reducing potential heart and respiratory problems. …show more content…
One of my long term goals that I would like to accomplish in the near future would be to make cardiovascular fitness a life routine. Like the book mentions, having to alternate different activities on different days, or trying something new every month will help improve my cardiovascular endurance. Also by continuing to challenge myself to new levels, I would like to one day finish a 5k marathon it would mean an accomplishment for me.
As for my short term goals, I would want to try to improve my cardiovascular fitness and prevent any potential heart and lung problems.
Like the book mentions, trying aerobic activities will help improve my cardiovascular endurance. Some of the aerobic activities that I would like to try would be cycling, boxing, and aqua aerobics. Boosting my cardiovascular endurance will ensure my respiratory system to work properly and maintain long periods of physical activity without fatigue. B. Flexibility
My flexibility training is currently not very efficient; I do not flex enough as I should. I do not stretch or warm up most of the time before performing physical activities. If I do not start to improve my flexibility training, I will increase the likelihood of risks of injuries when exercising or playing any type of sports. Like the book mentions, a gradual stretch should take about (10 to 30) seconds, by remembering to stretch my muscles before performing physical activities will help make a difference in reducing potential back pain and joint injuries.
One of my short term goals would be to try practicing yoga in the near future. Being flexible is important; like the book mentions flexibility helps the muscles resist stress better than weak or inflexible ones. Since I like playing sports such as basketball and tennis, adding flexibility training will reduce the potential risk of injuries by helping maintain my body in a state of
As for my long term goals, what I would like to accomplish in the near future would be to make flexibility fitness a life routine. Like the book mentions, flexibility helps increase the body’s blood circulation which allows oxygen and nutrients to be carried to the muscles and organs including the heart. By trying different flexibility activities on different days or trying something new every month will help me in becoming more flexible and prevent any injuries when performing physical activities.