I researched through a numerous amount of books and sites about that antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients and where they come from. All of which were correlated to lessen diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart diseases. My second inspiration had been a man named Dr. Axe. I have always found youtube as a useful tool so coming across him and learned something new so when I came across Dr. Axe, I took notes out to jot down ideas from his videos to share with my family. While I was going through his videos, I was intrigued of how food can play a big role to our own bodies and health. I gained so much knowledge throughout watching his videos and that’s how it all started. After I had seen him, I had done my own research about career professions. I found careers listed to nutritionists, kineosologists, health coaches, and registered dietitians. The first profession that really caught my attention was a registered dietitian. Just by finding my inspiration, I am passionate about talking about food and nutrition. I have also found other youtubers who are as passionate as I am that to talk to the community about promoting …show more content…
Since I became inspired to want to learn more about promoting health, I want to share my ideas with people who want to learn about with , I gained so much knowledge about how important it is to take care of health and our bodies. In addition, nutrition has gained a lot of attention from the white house. Michelle Obama, the current first lady of the united States has drawn attention about obesity promoting health and wellness for young children. She had created a organization called “Let’s move,” which talks about “creating a healthy start for children empowering parents and caregivers, providing healthy food in schools, improving access to healthy, and affordable foods.” Michelle Obama also mentions physical activity for children to stay fit and