First of all, when thinking about a Liberal Arts graduate, someone may see a free thinker that can create the newest and greatest thing. The free thinker needs to be more than just the closed circuit that lived in a well off life which is why any student, regardless of financial status should attempt college. It is a different point of view, a fresh light on the subject and possibly the key to the current enigmas in science. However this brand of learning does not come from condensed water vapor also known as nowhere so there are costs involved. Many people think that “the cost of American higher education is spiraling out of control” but there are ways to alleviate such costs (Ungar 231). The government will be there to provide aid for that problem, no matter how openly you express your…
Growing up poor is one thing, but growing up poor without a father figure has to be one of the hardest obstacles in life. Well anything worth having in life is worth working for. That is why when I saw the opportunity to be the first male in my family to graduate high school, I ceased the moment.…
My name is Tymaine McBee and I am currently a student/trainee at OBT (Opportunities for a Better Tomorrow). The reasons why I have enrolled in OBT are to obtain my GED, get enrolled on a good college, and to get a good job. The main reason why I’m here is because high school didn’t really work out for me. I was always getting into trouble and everything else you can imagine. I was just a problem child but I hope I can get through OBT. I have faith that I can.…
There are many reasons, but the only important reason is to realize my self, and to live with dignity. Accordingly, when I study and get a bachelor certificate, I will look for a good job that I can live from by getting an income. Then, my life will change into better. I will feel stable. In addition, it’s beautiful to know that your parents are proud of you.…
Reading and writing skills have followed us over our various educational institutions. However, learning to read and write in college is essential to further enable you to communicate your thoughts and ideas more precisely. The ability to further grow as a reader and a writer will definitely set you on a pathway towards success. There are three essential reasons for bettering one’s ability to read and write.…
I have a couple of options regarding how I will pay for college. My family has no money saved for college and we are in debt. I have been working extremely hard in high school and I am hoping to receive grants and scholarships to attend college. If the outcome of what I have to pay is low, I will get student loans. However, if I do not get enough scholarships and grants to pay the most of my education, I will go to Montgomery College.…
Have you wondered or thought about why homeless people are the way they are? Is it because they didn’t get an education? I plan to go to college, because I want to succeed in life and not be in the streets later on. I also want to make my parents happy. College is right for me.…
Going to college is a scary experience for many students. The thought of going off to college to start their life can scares many students. There are many bumps in the road when it comes to finding the perfect college. To get over these bumps in the road students look for many aspects about the college of their choice. Many students want the college of their dreams to offer a lot of social activities to make many new friends, academic standards so that going to college will help them with their future, a reasonable cost so students don’t have to live with debt, and a great history so that their college and degree are respected by others.…
I have always heard people say, “College is the key to success” and “The best way you could have great job, is by going to college”. Honestly, I always believed that you do not have to go to college. I never even wanted to go to college. At that time, I felt that college was a waste of time. The reasons why I decided to go to college was to see if college is for me. Secondly, I decided to go because of my mom and my mentor. Lastly, I want to better myself as person and succeed in life.…
Through UA Early College, I believe the program can help me accomplish my goals of expanding my studies for my majors, prepare me for when I become a full time college student, and uplift my chances of being accepted into college after I graduate high school. The classes that UA Early College offers will benefit me to obtain the information I need to earn the degree for my majors. For instance, the principles of biology 1 and 2, general chemistry, and general physics 1 and 2 are all in which the courses that are required to aid my studies in health science to apply in the work force of dentistry. Also other courses that relates to fine arts would as well assist me for my other major in art so that I may one day be qualified to be an art director.…
College is an experience that I feel everyone should have a chance, especially the American college experience coeds, parties, dorm life, and coeds. With college though also comes a lot of responsibility. It comes in the form school work. The work load in college can force you to stay up late into the night typing papers and studying for test. That and social life is all most college student have to deal with when away at school. Their commitment to their school only goes as deep as the price they pay for school. For a small percentage it goes farther than that. Student-athletes must represent their schools on the athletic field, while at the same time staying on track in the classroom, having some sort of social…
Going to college means more to me than being able to say I have made it to a successful start. One of my lifelong ambitions is to be able to give back to the less fortunate. Through a community service event I've realized some things should not be taken for granted, especially when there are poverty-stricken families that have to worry about a simple meal for their children at night. Thus, I will not let the false perception of society about my race determine legacy, the amount of degrees I earn or limit my…
My urge to a higher education will lead the way to a successful career and possibly a beautiful home in a good community. I will also be able to set a good example for my little sister and my nephews and nieces. Having them realize that although our family has struggle for many years due to these intuitions that oppress us there’s always a way around it. I feel privilege in a sense because the struggles that my older family members went through were lived experiences that made me stronger and strive for a better outcome. The endless nights that my parents worked to provide me with food and shelter has kept me alive long enough to change history. I have also come to realize that these forms of Institutional Racism exist on many levels. The fact that we were redlined and segregated from good neighborhoods with lack of proper resources leads my brothers to dropping out of school. Forcing them to work at fast food places living check by check causing stress upon which lead them to gangs. Which eventually had them in jail facing time due to these forms of…
References: Sullivan, D. R. (2011). Learning to Walk. Exchange, (01648527) (200), 26-28. Retrived from EBSCO host.…
I decided to go back to school because I have always wanted to complete my college degree. I am at a time in my life where I am not focused on education for everyone else in my family. I have regretted not completing my degree for years. I had to put my education on hold while I worked to pay my children's way through college and my husbands way through law school which was all at the same time. The end result of those four years was worth the hard work! This is my time now. Having this degree will help me have a second career if I choose to do so. My ultimate goal with earning this degree will be that I will know that I have career options and that I will finally have completed what I started years…