Recognizing your personal strengths may not be as simple as you may first think. Knowing and understanding these skills, personality traits, and job qualities is a must in today's work society. Once these characteristics are understood and identified, you can begin to think about your weaknesses, which are generally more difficult to admit. Realizing your own weaknesses, and being able to admit them to your team is the first step in creating a positive learning team. When team members asses their strengths and weaknesses, it allows the other team members to fill in the positive and negative qualities between each other; thus resulting in a well-balanced learning team. Having a well-balanced learning team is an important milestone in recognizing and building work ethics, skills, and improving known traits and qualities.
Personal qualities, whether positive or negative, reflect ones strengths and weaknesses in many ways. My most important personal qualities are confidence and creativity.
Confidence comes to me in many ways, mostly at the workplace through customer comments and satisfaction. Photography, my line of work, allows me to express myself in the workplace in ways that most people cannot in their jobs. My ten years experience in this field allows me to be confident in my creative ability and succeed when challenged. This does not only contribute to my creativity quality, but to the confidence as well when I get rewarded with commission or even a polite comment on my photography and editing talents. Having a confident and positive attitude at work can make personal morale skyrocket, which also benefits the workers and team members around you.
Strengths can be defined in many different ways, but strengths involving knowledge-based skills that can be transferred from job to job can be the most important traits to strive for in the business world. Computer proficiency is a requirement in this day and