My personal values and beliefs as an individual are accountability, trust, respect, and compassionate. These values and beliefs make me make my own decisions and live my everyday life. As an individual, I should take accountability for our own actions. I should take accountable for the care I give and for the things I fail to do. I am accountable for maintaining my knowledge and using it in the clinical settings. Accountability can be shown according to our behavior with a patient and learn constantly to be a more intellectual nurse throughout my profession. Building a trust relationship is very important because it gives me the capacity to understand my patient situations and to understand my patient’s values first to give proper care for them. Respect is an important value to me no matter what the scenario is. I should always respect and provide the best care to my patients, regardless of their financial, social, and religious belief. I should respect the autonomy of patients by respecting their choices, belief, refusing care, and their priorities. …show more content…
Patients should be provided with the best attention and care there can be no matter their medical conditions. Accountability plays an important role when it comes to the patient safety, advocacy, and learning. As a nurse, I should be accountable to my patients and their family members. A holistic nurse provides a lot of alternatives to the patient’s health. I feel like we should develop a big amount of communication to our patient to develop a better relationship and patient confidentiality. Responsibility is an important value when it comes to performing out own task and roles. We should be responsible for the decisions we make, actions we do, and for our own health. These professional values build up to create what I think a professional nurse should