Before one answers this question one must remember that all God’s creation at the beginning of time was good. Genesis 1:31 says, “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.” He had no desire to create anything that was flawed or corrupt, instead, He created a paradise which reflected His upright character. Sin and suffering entered the world as a consequence of the sin of Adam and Eve. The origin of sin is a topic many theologians have debated over through the years, and although they have not come up with an intricate answer they agree with one statement: God was not the creator of sin. Sin instead was a consequence of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, they had disobeyed God’s straightforward command and were compelled to accept the results. On of the results of pain and suffering was …show more content…
The Bible clearly states that if a person was a believer in Christ he/she goes to heaven to spend an eternity with God, but if he/she was not a believer in Christ he/she is doomed to face an eternity of punishment in hell. There is no in between and people in hell are not able to cross over in heaven and vice versa. A thought that runs through the minds of many persons is: The fact that some people can go to heaven and others go to hell is not fair! But, this arrangement is exceeding fairness! Mankind has fallen short of ever living a perfectly holy life, therefore nobody deserves a relationship with God. Yet, God had given a chance for millions of individuals to have a perfect relationship with Him and an eternity of being in his presence in heaven. In addition to looking towards heaven, one must remember to look back at