Color Rating Theories of Personality - ... In general, the easiest approach to do this was through the observations of individual differences. Though, the validity and reliability of such observation can be questioned as it is not efficient and systematic adequately. On the other hand, the assessment of individual researcher may be subject to personal bias. Thus, in order to be accurate, personality theories often employ the systematic and scientific approach. The study can merely be called systematic and scientific when it concerned unbiased observations that are quantified so that systematic analyses can be performed (Allen, 1990).... [tags: Psychology, Personality Test]
520 words
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Theories of Personality - ... Enough to understand the reason behind the varying approaches used in studying personality. As analyzed by Feist & Feist (2009), theorists who lean toward the quantitative side of psychology such as behaviorists, social learning theorists, and trait theorists tend to differ in personality and further account for the fundamental disagreements between those inclined toward the clinical and qualitative side of psychology such as psychoanalysts, humanists, and existentialists. In considering a theoretical approach in the study of personality, theories brought forth due to these differences are the following: psychoanalytic, behavioral, cognitive, humanistic, and neurobiological theories.... [tags: Psychology ]
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Personality Theories - Personality Theories Table of Contents Freud Jung Adler Rogers Maslow Humanistic strengths and weakness Psychodynamic strengths and weakness Some similarities of both Web Resources Freud Biography Biography Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1856, in a small town -- Freiberg -- in Moravia. His father was a wool merchant with a keen mind and a good sense of humor. His mother was a lively woman, her husband 's second