Knowing what your personality type is can be very helpful in many aspects of your life. In the PAP test we took I was surprised when I read my results. I am an E.S.F.P (extrovert sensing feeling perceiving) type personality. I scored fairly high on both the extrovert and introvert questions, which means I posses almost the same amount of both qualities. The test was pretty much accurate on figuring out my personality type. I can be extroverted but also have my moments of introversion; both qualities are good to have. Sensing was another score I received, and it’s also true, I am a sensing person. The one score that I got that was not a surprise was feeling. I am a very heartfelt person who has a connection with her feelings and other people’s feelings. Instead of receiving judging for my last score I received perceiving, which Is something that I know I always do. In my career as an ESL teacher I want to be able to reach the kids I will be teaching with my personality, and I think being an extrovert with kids is important because you can capture their attention. Being an elementary teacher you must be in control of your feelings and have patience instead of anger to deal with unruly behavior, so I think that’s going to come in handy that I am in touch with my feelings. My personality fits my career because I can be a more open expressive personality type and that helps when you are working in an environment with a group of kids.
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