Antipolo City
A Research Paper on Factors of Personality
(What influences personality more nature or nurture?)
Submitted by:
Felino Francois M. Antonio
Submitted to:
Ms. Juliet L. Dionido
Table of Contents
Title Page Table of Contents Outline I. Introduction II. Body III. Conclusion
Outline I. Introduction
People differ from each other in the degree to which they have developed a consistent personality for themselves. A human’s personality is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of development. Everyone thinks that the humans personality will depend on the built up of one’s personality in the course of one’s life.
II. Body A. Definition of personality B. Difference of people C. What is Nature Vs. Nurture D. Personality from nature E. Personality from nurture
III. Conclusion
Personality is difficult to determine, because there isn’t any concrete place where it is stored nor created. No one can really find the personality center of a living being. The factors of the built up of one’s personality isn’t enough to find what the researchers are looking for. In a nutshell, one’s personality is adaptable, changeable, unique and cannot be psychologically measured.
Introduction People differ from each other in the degree to which they have developed a consistent personality for themselves. A human’s personality is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of development. You got your green eyes from your mother, and your freckles from your father. But where did you get your thrill-seeking personality and talent for singing? Did you learn these from your parents or was it predetermined by your genes?
While it 's clear that physical characteristics are hereditary, the genetic waters get a bit more murky when it comes to an individual 's behavior, intelligence, and personality. They say that the
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