References: Bartram, Timothy 2005, 'Small firms, big ideas: The adoption of human resource management in Australian small firms ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Brockbank, Wayne 2005, 'Turning Inside Out ', HR Monthly, April. Coppleston Peter 1991, 'Present issues and future trends ', HR Monthly, April p8-9Farrell, Mark A., & Mavondo, Felix 2005, 'The effect of downsizing-redesign strategies on business performance: Evidence from Australia ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Gollan, Paul 2005, High involvement management and human resource sustainability: The challenges and opportunities, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Gollan, P. & Davis, E. 1998, High involvement management and organisational change: Beyond rhetoric. Macquarie Graduate School of ManagementHilmer F 1991, 'Hilmer discusses the future for Australians at work ', HR Monthly, August p9. McGrath-Champ, Susan & Baird, Marian 2005, 'The mercurial nature of Australian HRM under enterprise bargaining ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Morehead, A., Steele, M., Alexander, M., Stephen, K. & Duffin, L. 1997, Change at Work: The 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey. Melbourne: LongmanNankervis, Alan R., Compton, Robert L. & McCarthy, Terence E. 1993, Strategic Human Resource Management, Thomson Nelson Australia. Price Alan 2005, Human Resource Management in a Business Context, 2nd ednRoyal, Carol & O 'Donnell, Loretta 2005, 'Embedding human capital analysis in the investment process: A human resources challenge ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Storey, J. 1989, Human Resource Management: A Critical Text. Thomson Learning, 2nd ednTownley B. 1994, Reframing Human Resource Management: Power, Ethics and the Subject of Work, Sage. West, M. & Patterson, M 1998. People Power: The link between job satisfaction and productivity. Centrepiece, Autumn, p2-5Williams Ross 1991, 'Transformation or chaos? HR in the 1990s ', HR Monthly, November, p10. Vilinas, Tricia & Harper, Sarah (2005), 'Determining the impact of an organisations performance management system ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43
References: Bartram, Timothy 2005, 'Small firms, big ideas: The adoption of human resource management in Australian small firms ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Brockbank, Wayne 2005, 'Turning Inside Out ', HR Monthly, April. Coppleston Peter 1991, 'Present issues and future trends ', HR Monthly, April p8-9Farrell, Mark A., & Mavondo, Felix 2005, 'The effect of downsizing-redesign strategies on business performance: Evidence from Australia ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Gollan, Paul 2005, High involvement management and human resource sustainability: The challenges and opportunities, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Gollan, P. & Davis, E. 1998, High involvement management and organisational change: Beyond rhetoric. Macquarie Graduate School of ManagementHilmer F 1991, 'Hilmer discusses the future for Australians at work ', HR Monthly, August p9. McGrath-Champ, Susan & Baird, Marian 2005, 'The mercurial nature of Australian HRM under enterprise bargaining ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Morehead, A., Steele, M., Alexander, M., Stephen, K. & Duffin, L. 1997, Change at Work: The 1995 Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey. Melbourne: LongmanNankervis, Alan R., Compton, Robert L. & McCarthy, Terence E. 1993, Strategic Human Resource Management, Thomson Nelson Australia. Price Alan 2005, Human Resource Management in a Business Context, 2nd ednRoyal, Carol & O 'Donnell, Loretta 2005, 'Embedding human capital analysis in the investment process: A human resources challenge ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43Storey, J. 1989, Human Resource Management: A Critical Text. Thomson Learning, 2nd ednTownley B. 1994, Reframing Human Resource Management: Power, Ethics and the Subject of Work, Sage. West, M. & Patterson, M 1998. People Power: The link between job satisfaction and productivity. Centrepiece, Autumn, p2-5Williams Ross 1991, 'Transformation or chaos? HR in the 1990s ', HR Monthly, November, p10. Vilinas, Tricia & Harper, Sarah (2005), 'Determining the impact of an organisations performance management system ', Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, vol 43