Manila, Philippines
“Collaborative Partnership in Enhancing the Dignity of Persons Deprived of Liberty”
The participants, representing the Executive Branch, the Legislature, the Judiciary, other public institutions, civil society organizations, faith-based organizations and other partners,
AFFIRMING the State’s constitutional obligation and adherence with international laws and covenants to protect and uphold fundamental rights and freedoms of all, and the primacy of human dignity in Philippine society;
ACKNOWLEDGING the inherent dignity of persons deprived of liberty and their right to humane treatment;
RECOGNIZING the roles of public institutions including the civil society and the community in upholding the physical, emotional, mental and moral integrity of persons deprived of liberty;
VALUING partnerships as a means to deepen dialogue and collaboration among partners and stakeholders from government, civil society and faith-based organizations to protect the rights and enhance the dignity of persons deprived of liberty;
EMPHASIZING the need to transform the criminal justice system in accordance with the paradigm of restorative justice;
AGREEING that deprivation of liberty refers to “any form of detention, imprisonment, institutionalization, or custody of a person in a public…institution which that person is not permitted to leave at will, by order of or under de facto control of a judicial, administrative, or any other authority….”;
RAISING WITH DEEPEST CONCERN the situation of extreme congestion, violence, and health and sanitation risks experienced by persons in places of deprivation of liberty; the retributive and punitive character of the criminal justice system, including the limited engagement of victims in the justice system; the prejudice and stigma of the community against persons deprived of liberty and its limited participation in rehabilitation and social