1. A plan for learning which contains;
Statement of aims and objectives
Selection and organization of content
Patterns of teaching
Evaluation of outcomes
2. A program of studies which includes sequences of courses 3. A planned action for instruction
4. A plan of all the experiences learners, undertake under 5. the auspices of the school .
6. A set of planned learning experiences and intended outcomes formulated through systematic instruction of knowledge and experiences. 7. A structured by sequence ( order of topics) and hierarchical relationships between various elements. 8. Learning at times usually comes from three sources: Knowledge (cognitive)
Skills( processes, techniques, abilities)
Values (attitudes, viewpoints) (Affective)
The Relationship of Curriculum,
Instruction and Learning
• Curriculum refers to what is taught
(intended and unintended)
• Instruction how curriculum is delivered or communicated
• Learning refers to knowledge, techniques, and values
Norms ,Attitudes, Interests, Appreciations, aversion Assignment
1. Interview a non-education student, an elementary teacher, a high school teacher, a professor in the tertiary education, a principal about what a is curriculum to them?
2 . Visit a school of your choice. Observe and interview the classroom teacher, students or principals and write the existence of the different curricula in their school. Write in a matrix format
3. State the differences between co-curriculum/la and extra- curricular
4. Can a school exist without a curriculum ? Why or why not?
1. Societal Curriculum
2. Institutional Curriculum
3. Instructional Curriculum
4. Experiential Curriculum
1. Societal Curriculum
• Farthest from the learners
• Designed by public ( politicians ,special interest groups/ administrators/ professionals and specialists) which