I. Define/explain the following terms:
1. Sex: “Biological maleness and femaleness” (Crooks, p. G7).
2. Intercourse: “the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur” (dictionary.com).
3. Heterosexual: “Sexually oriented to persons of the opposite sex” (dictionary.com).
4. Homosexual: “A person whose primary erotic, psychological, emotional, and social orientation is toward members of the same sex” (Crooks, p. G4).
5. Bisexual: “Sexual attraction to both men and women” (Crooks, p. G1).
6. Celibacy: The state of being unmarried and abstaining from sexual intercourse, as superior to marriage (Crooks, p. 10)
7. Sex-for-reproduction legacy: The historical view that North America had about sexual activity. A contemporary Roman Catholic doctrine and pro-life organizational view that holds the belief that the only moral sexual expression occurs within marriage for purposes of procreation (reproduction). (p.8)
8. Madonna-whore dichotomy:” The Madonna-whore dichotomy was perpetuated by Judeo-Christian cultural tradition through the two strongest women it presents: Eve and Mary. "Sexuality as exemplified by Eve is a constant temptation to man, which must be distanced and distained. Carnality has no part in men's 'better' nature, which yearns for union with God. In fact, according to tradition, it was Eve's intervention that ruptured the harmonious relationship between man and God [The Virgin Mary, on the other hand,] is holy precisely because she is sexless" (Laws, 13-14). The Virgin Mary is essential to man's well being in that she provided the medium for the birth of Jesus, who redeemed man to God. Because the church was so instrumental at this time, these ideas encouraged the double standard of the Madonna-whore dichotomy” (Sex Changes).
9. Sex as recreation: Sex for any other reason than reproduction.
10. Sexual revolution: