Can we live any longer without technology? Of course we could survive, instinct would direct us through our lives, but could we enjoy our lives. Could we do things to the best of our ability without the machines that we have grown so reliant on? The use of technology is increasing day by day to make accomplishing our everyday tasks effortless. The main question is whether this is good or bad.
The focus of technology is to make everything less complicated and more practical. A great example of this is the sat nav. 4 out of 5 18-30 year olds confessed to no longer being able to navigate with an atlas because really... it’s not necessary. Using a machine to plan your journey makes travelling less tedious and not as troublesome. Of course you can still use a traditional map; however a satellite navigation device is more accurate than a piece of paper. Gone are the days of maps obscuring your vision of the road when trying to find your position on a sheet the size of the windscreen; instead you have a 4-6 inch screen connecting to satellites and knowing your current location in seconds. Imagine you are in a car accident and the emergency services need to be called; how will you find your location if there are no signs? Before, you would have attempted to guess your approximate distance down the road, whereas now, an exact co-ordinate is immediately given on this little device.
The most obvious advantage of the SatNav, is being able to find your way again after becoming lost. Disaster struck when my Mum decided she would be able to find the location of my netball match without the help of our trusty TomTom. Time ticked by as we ended up at multiple dead ends. It took 5 minutes of driving around in a circle, a lot of angry uttering and the looming deadline of the netball match start time, before she finally decided to give up. I whipped out the TomTom and within seconds the patronising voice of Marge Simpson blurted out of the machine