Should Conroe High School remove their rule on not letting kids leave school to get food? Yes, Some students do not eat lunch at all and also because some of the food is disgusting, and being able to leave the school during lunch would be better for the students, we would be able to hang out for a little outside of school instead of being in class for 8 hours.…
First of all if kids were allowed to have food and snacks in school, they would not feel the need to sneak food into school.…
choose to change our lunches to a healtheir eat, then i am all for it! Some students…
Some people go on to say that school meals represent a significant cause for the increasing obesity in the U.S. Their charge is sustained by Whitmore Schanzenbach’s report showing that ”school lunch eaters do experience higher obesity rates than brown baggers” (2005).…
One reason that the school boards should improve our school lunches is because kids get to choose want they want for school. According Mary L. Gavin, MD can choose to eat the green beans or throw them out. A kid also can choose to eat an apple instead of an ice cream sandwich. Another reason is Because they serve junk food everyday. According to Richard J. Codey junk food should be banned at schools because it leads to obesity. It also can affect their future for them. My last reason they should change our school lunch is that during lunch a kid eats half of their calories during lunch in school, because they…
“So from eating out, we can also learn how to make wise choices.” This would make students prepared for college by enabling them to leave campus and eat what they want. This independence would get kids ready to face the real world. “It provides a semi-sheltered climate to allow students to grow and become responsible.” This would give teens the privilege of not being watched every second of the day. If students disobeyed the rules of when they should be back, they could take away the privilege or give punishment. Throughout high school students don’t have very many opportunities to show how independent they are any letting them leave for lunch would be a perfect way for teens to show teachers they can be trusted and can survive in the real world.I know a lot of high school students who are very shy and keep to themselves. With the ability to leave school during lunch, kids would become more outgoing because there would be many more chances for them to socialize and interact with the real world. “If students have the privilege of off-campus lunch, they will gain more responsibility and more experience on how the real world works.” All kids have a big part in the future of our job…
First, USDA made new standards to cut down calories for school lunch. Part of that reason is because it helps reduce the risk of obtaining diseases, as article 3 states. When eating unhealthy foods on a daily basis, you will more than likely become obese and gain a health disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention thinks it is a huge step to change the…
The obtrusive limitation of the current lunch policy lies on two key factors—time and appetite. For one thing, the current lunch time given to students is approximately 30 minutes, not enough time for digesting food with high in fiber and low in calories after the everlasting lunch lines. Students can devoured a pizza and a hamburger expeditiously with few bites whereas students can only nibble away black been burgers, tasteless salad with a drink they disgust with. Not surprisingly, the students from L.A. United School meals are “being rejected in en masse.” Who would want wait a long lunch line for food they annoy? Who would have an appetite to battle with fruits and veggies when they could wait an hour and eat what they savor. Clearly, a successful meal should be the ones that could restore kids’ appetites and reduce eating time. In turn, this may transform student’s life style.…
A school consists of mostly students if it wasn't for them there would be no schools, and a way of showing how much a school appreciates their students is by having a healthier lunch menu. Changing the school lunch is an action that can benefit the teachers, administration, and the students in the school. The lunch that is normally served usually is not the best food or just isn't as appetizing as a home cooked meal. The fact that students don't find the lunch good causes them to not eat which is not good, this can have many consequences such as, bad behavior, bad attitude, or even illness. Though with better lunches students tend to be more attentive and concentrated, this could also make a person's immune system stronger. In other words…
Learning is the key component when children attend to school, yet the food students are served at school does not give them the ability to do so. To learn, students must have a healthy diet and receive health-giving foods. According to an article by Sarah Mahoney, there are three main types of foods that best help the cognitions and learning abilities of children; including whole wheat sandwiches that help the memory cells of the brain, milk which helps give energy to the body, and fruits that help children feel refreshed and ready to learn throughout the day (Mahoney). If a child was offered these foods daily, it would not only benefit them in school but improve their well-being as well. Without these choices being offered daily, it leaves them choosing unhealthy meals that do not help their learning ability nor their health. Recent studies have demonstrated that nutrition affects students’ thinking skills and health, and suggests that diets high in trans or saturated fats can negatively impact learning and memory skills and can later on lead to negative effects on the cognitive development of school-aged children (Florence). Students losing the development of their learning ability due to lack of nutritious tend to participate in less activities and do less school…
Another reason cafeterias should start serving healthier food is that junk food does not give kids the energy needed to stay focused in school or the power to participate in sports. “The cafeteria must offer produce, dairy, protein and grain, but three groups constitute a full meal, so many students leave behind the fruits and vegetables” (Martinez, 1). Lunch is right in the middle of the day, if you eat fatty or sugary foods, it could cause you to get tired and not pay attention in your afternoon classes. In addition, junk food caps your energy, which affects your physical activity. You cannot perform your best if you don’t have any energy. Children should be eating more healthy, natural foods.…
School lunches are almost always inadequate. More than half the students leave lunch hungry. They give choices of vegetables but when they don't taste good they'll just be trashed. If they eat eight hundred calorie meals and they only eat one fourth they only get two hundred of those calories. That's possibly for a high school student that plays three sports a year that won't be home until after six or seven o'clock.…
It is not just this but students are not getting healthy food. We need to get rid of processed food and get organic meals. Most schools are only serving foods that can just be heated up and the served to students. We need to regulate what kids eat they can't be eating a cupcake just for lunch.” The meals can be healthy and still have a good taste to it the cafeteria management of all participating schools open their sources and stop the heat and serve method .…
This same factor has a ripple effect on the student because it also limits them on what various types of meals they can choose during lunch hour, a poor selection of unhealthy foods leads to poor dieting. “The reimbursement rate for a reduced-price lunch is $2.17 and 24 cents for a paid meal. When you factor in labor and other school costs, schools have less than $1 per day per student to spend on food for lunch”(C.P.F.). Limiting yourself to just $1 dollar to use towards food would be nearly impossible to survive off of, let alone to eat or choose a healthy meal. This not only limits student and young adults of what they are able to eat during lunch if they cannot afford to bring their own lunch, but it also gets them into the habit of making a poor choice in food. “Fewer than 15 percent of the two million American elementary school-aged children eat the recommended five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables" (Myrdal). If these poor eating habits continue or continue decrease, than the obesity will only continue to grow. In order for our young children of America to begin to change their unhealthy eating habits, parents and other leaders must promote healthy eating habits and explain the importance of proper dieting, which can start by cutting back on processed…
The student walks up to buy lunch and all he sees are reduced fat items and unappetizing meals. He walks back to his lunch table without anything to eat. The rest of the day he can’t focus in class and he is tired because he didn’t have lunch. The story shows that the kid has the same problem as many students in America do today, he doesn’t have any lunch choices he wants to eat.…