Nothing hurts more than losing a loved one. What can hurt even more is when that loved one chooses to take their own life. Families always want to know what they could have done to stop it or make their loved one’s life better but there is no answer. They have to stand up and try to move on from this horrific event. However, when the media brings it to everyone’s attention by announcing the name of the victim their family is faced with it all over again. The media brings everyone into the home of the ones who are hurting the most and they can’t shut the door. When Mick McMurry passed away not to long ago I thought it was just because of age or a health related problem. Then the media released that he passed away from a gunshot to the head. For everyone who didn’t know …show more content…
I remember about reading it in USA Today. There are suicide rates that start at the age of five and go to eighty-five and older. The more we publicize suicide and the more children hear about it the more they think it’s the only option for them. Like I had said before the news will say how someone apparently committed suicide and how they chose to take their life. They really are painting a picture for kids who are having problems. Even though they have started foundations to stop bullying and to help children it has not helped drop the suicide rates. They need to stop make suicide a public