The first reason why standardized testing is bad for our students is because of the stress it causes. Kids are constantly preparing all year for huge exams that in a sense will dictate their futures. If a kid is not the best at algebra, and fails his final algebra exam, they won’t be able to graduate without passing the …show more content…
I am currently in high school and I can tell you that I have not learned a lot of valuable information or real life skills. I can solve quadratic equations and tell you about the war of 1812, but I can’t tell you how to do taxes, or how to budget out money. Sure I’ve taken a couple fun electives, but even art classes have final exams nowadays! We aren’t taught any real life skills anymore. We are taught the thinking strategies for big tests. We are taught how to eliminate answers on multiple-choice tests, and how to solve lengthy math problems. Our poor teachers don’t want to have to make it this way but, because their checks depend on it, they are teaching us from big texts books about stuff they know we won’t use the day we step out of their classrooms. The big tests are taking the fun out of learning, and it’s the reason kids dread getting up and going to school each and every