
Persuasive Essay About Tryouts

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Have you ever been proud after coming home from tryouts? Tryouts can be a struggle for some but for others, it can be a breeze. So should there be tryouts? I think there should be tryouts because it teaches kids important life lessons and if there weren’t tryouts there would be too many kids on the teams. However, others strongly believe that it puts too much pressure on kids. First, when kids try out for sports teams they learn important life lessons that will be helpful later on. According to “Us Youth Soccer” it says, “Tryouts are one of the many experiences in youth sports that prepares us for situations in our adult life, such as college applications, job interviews and more.” This shows that when you try out under this pressure …show more content…

On the website, it states, “...students have less time when there are more players.” This shows that when they don’t have kids try out there are way too many kids and that leads up to not a lot of kids having time on the field playing. Also on, it says, “...budgets aren’t large enough to cover all costs players need.” However, on the other hand, some people think kids shouldn’t try out because they get too stressed out. I think kids are able to handle a lot of stress especially when they go through it when they are young so it prepares them for what is to come. According to, it says, “If you can handle stress well, you will be able to be more accomplished and it will be more relaxed for you to complete your responsibilities. This shows that kids who play sports will have a lower level of stress and will be more relaxed when doing jobs and working later on. In conclusion, I think kids should try out for youth competitive teams. Even though some critics may argue that there shouldn’t be tryouts I think there are stronger reasons why there should. Tryouts teach kids important life lessons and if there weren't tryouts there would be too many kids on a team. Tryouts aren’t cruel, kids are just afraid of not being accepted into the

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