Animal Testing needs to be illegal in the US because it wastes tons of money, the experiments could go wrong, and it hurts the animals. …show more content…
Companies do not only pay money for the animals, but the animals die, get poisoned, or get crippled. This wastes money from buying the animals, but also they waste their products. Did you know that the most animal testing funder company is the government? According to The daily Caller, it states that, “The government and feds (usually a member of the FBI) spends as much as $14.5 billion per year on animal experimentation.” This money could help and provide helpful things to the US other than animal testing. This explains that the government of the US, spends billions of dollars to basically get companies to torture these animals. The government does not realize how much money they waste because they get money from taxpayers and more.. We need to bring this to the government and other non-cruelty free companies attention because they will just keep losing