According to a poll taken by CNBC on April 28th, 2011 eighty-two percent of Americans are against GMOs [1]. The long term effects are becoming more and more prevalent within our society as GMOs continue to be around longer and with more research being done the possibilities for harm increase daily. While I won’t deny the overall idea here has great potential such as potentially virus and fungi immune crops as well as drought resistant crops [2] the overall study and research on this subject is very …show more content…
I feel the decision to push heavily for GMOs and filling over seventy percent of American grocery stores with unlabeled GMOs [4] has largely to do with the tyrants who control the market such as Nestle, General Mills, PepsiCo, and Monsanto. While America is being controlled by such companies being the largest consumer of GMOs by over double any other continent or nation [5] while many others such as Japan, Australia, and many of the European Union have heavy restrictions or bans on such goods where consumer rejection has taken place forcing GMOs out. If eighty-two percent of America are against GMOs they must stand up for their beliefs and not be conquered by these