Physician assisted suicide is based on an ideal of conscious responsibility and control over one's life. In some circumstances when modern medicine cannot ease the physical and/or psychological suffering of a terminally ill patient, forcibly prolonging life is cruel and unnecessary. In such cases, the doctor does more harm by keeping the patient alive against his wishes than by helping him die. A terminally ill person may not want to live "superficially" with the help of modern medical advances since the quality of his life will dramatically decrease. Physical pain is not the only element of suffering; emotional distress is an equally serious concern for those considering physician-assisted suicide. It should not be the place of anyone other than the patient to determine what constitutes intolerable suffering.
If passed, a recent bill proposed by a Massachusetts legislator would outlaw physician-assisted suicide and effectively deny Americans the "unalienable" rights of the freedom of every individual emphasized in the Declaration of Independence. Those who oppose PAS argue that it is a violation of divine law; an act forbidden in most religions, and one