For this assignment, you are required to write an argumentative/persuasive essay.
Topic: Think about something that is wrong (as you see it) in America or another country (i.e. your native country). Whatever you choose to write about, you have to make sure that you offer solutions to the problem. This is not a definition essay where you will just define and explain your problem; you have to argue (persuasively) why the problem exists and how the problem can be solved.
Sample Topics: Teen Pregnancy, Gay Marriages, Homelessness, Advertising, Race Relations, Restaurants and Oversized Portions, Christian Religion in Schools, etc. (Note: Abortion, Smoking (FROM ANY PERSPECTIVE), Capital Punishment, Global Warming, Stem Cell Research, Legalizing Marijuana, Banning Or Allowing Handguns are unacceptable topics.)
Refutation: Every argumentative essay must include counterarguments refuting the opposing viewpoint. An arguable thesis has an anti-thesis, or opposite point of view. An effective argument recognizes and addresses the opposition’s viewpoints. The writer who acknowledges, accommodates, and refutes the opposition’s concerns can win the audience’s respect and sometimes their agreement. 1. Counterarguments: Substantiated Claims that go against your thesis. 2. Refutations: Denouncing or negating counterarguments to show that your line of reasoning is more logical.
**Acknowledge the opposition’s viewpoint: The writer summarizes the opposition’s viewpoint openly and honestly. Ignoring the opposition is futile in that the audience is aware of the opposing arguments and will doubt the credibility of a presentation that chooses to ignore the opposition rather than deal with it.
• Accept all or part of the opposition: The writer acknowledges the opposition’s claim in his argument, and still shows that his own claim is the strongest. A writer might explain the opposition’s weakest points, contrasting them