Over half of all students participate in some form of extracurricular activity, and many are involved in more than one. With sports such as volleyball, basketball, football, and many others, it is hard to choose just one. Students can also participate in clubs, advanced classes, and band. Many students are presented with the issue of their school trying to control and limit their involvement in activites. Student and their families should be in control of their extracurricular activites because it helps students learn responsibility, some students may be able to handle more than others, and numerous talented students can earn awards or scholorships in different activites. To begin, students can learn to have responsibility …show more content…
and time management skills by controlling their own extracurricular activites. If students learn to set priorites, balance workloads, and be more responsible now, they will be ready for their adult lives in the future. For example, a student may play volleyball, basketball, and still want to be in the school musical. It would be extremely hard, but if they made it through, they would be much wiser. Likewise, responsibility is also a skill that is essential if they want to succede in any of the activites they participate in. All in all, by being in charge of selecting thier own activites, students would learn and grow in countless ways. Additionally, students who are able to handle bigger workloads would be held down by schools controling and limiting their activites. Some participants can handle extensive amounts of work and physical activity. For instance, there is a girl I know who excels in three sports, is in many clubs, and still makes extraordinary grades. There are many other people who, like her, would be devastated if they had to chose between their activites. Especially with a supportive family, achieving all this is possible. Overall, schools controlling extracurricular activites would not benefit students that can handle large workloads. Likewise, students may recieve scholarships or awards in various extracurricular activites.
Scholarships can make talented people and athletes’ lives much easier. Now, trying to get a college education on a budget is almost impossible without financial help. When my cousin was in high school, he was offered many scholorships. It made it much easier on him and his family because they knew that they would not have to pay as much. Therefore, schools should not control activites because students may lose opportunites for their future. It may seem that it would be more even and controled if the schools were in charge of extracurricular activites. Although it would make things more fair, it would be extremely hard to to organize and control. It may be sucessful; however it would take an extreme amount of work. Schools may even have to hire extra personel to keep up with it all. The overall best decision would be to just let the students and parents decide. Students learning responsibility, some being able to handle more than others, and students earning scholarships and awards are reasons that schools should not control students’ activites. It would change lives in a negative way. The effects that could arise are overwhelming. Over 50% of students would be affected by schools making that horrid change. The amount of school control over extracurricular involvement could completely change a student’s future, so leave it up to the students and their