In the meantime, doctors are not yet able to genetically engineer a baby’s eye color, height and other simple traits, but they are able to screen for genetic disorders, select gender and …show more content…
PGD means taking a 3-day old embryo from a woman and taking 1 of its 6 cells which will then be tested for genetic disease. Embryos that have the least percentage of developing genetic disorders will be implanted into the woman’s womb. PGD can also be used for couples who would like to have a “savior child”. This term refers to parents who already have a child which is sick and in need of a transplant. Some clinics have already started using this method to select traits such as gender, but this is not legal in places like the UK. Many ethicists are against this, they think that soon it will be like picking from a restaurant menu, “I would like to have a blonde girl with blue eyes, healthy and intelligent, please!”