Introduction: Andres Agudelo: Share quick facts of who I am and what relates me to coffee. Transition to a speaker favorable statement where I set in the idea that coffee is generally a popular drink, involve the audience. Ask the audience (audience member-volunteer) to point out differences between the non-certified free trade coffee and the one that is certified. One participant will be rewarded for participation by receiving free coffee coupon from Starbucks.
Purpose: Inform and promote to the audience on what is fair trade coffee, benefits to the consumer and its global community.
Establish credibility: Establish credibility as an enthusiastic
coffee personality with the audience by engaging with audience members in a coffee comparison display. Having and distinguishing two coffees from different brands will help in getting visual interest throughout the audience. One brand is free trade market certified and the other one is not. Subliminally I have the audience member’s attention; since the audience tends to see me with a cup of Starbucks coffee while I’m in class, it gives me some percentage of credibility.
Preview main points:
Coffee – Coffee Sells
Fair Trade Coffee
1. Main Point: Coffee sells
Speak about the popularity of coffee in the United States
Show USDA 2012/2013 Coffee: World Markets and Trade charts including Coffee consumption, Total Coffee Imports, to establish popularity and touch on the main point-Coffee sells.
Show Coffee Production Chart from USDA Coffee: World Markets and Trade
Transition: Is all coffee the same?
2. Main Point: Coffee markets and expansion
Fair trade
Speak about the popularity of organic and how consumers are becoming more conscious on what they consume.
Transition: New Markets: Organic certification, Free Trade certification
3. Main Point: Free trade works-Ethics and Morals sell
What is Free Trade- Speak on free trade, certification, and the ease of promoting free trade.
Why the community backs it up- speak on what helps the consumer decide to back up a Free trade certified product.
Why U.S. companies should purchase free trade coffee- speak on the advantages of purchasing Free trade coffee and relate outcome to more money being earned.
Transition: Why would I as an individual and a coffee consumer purchase free trade coffee?
Summarize main points:
Coffee Sells- popular
Market- Access is easy. Finding new ways to improve your product and reach consumers is another battle
Fair Trade- Ethics/Morals sell
Provide final focus or take-away: Fair Trade provides possibility for growth.
Encourage questions.