Granted, a lot of people would be opposed to this type of stringent policy however, similar policies have already been implemented against foods that are grown and manufactured in the United States. Russia has banned modified salmon and tainted meat from entering their markets. In addition many other countries have banned American dairy products, arsenic chicken, and foods containing dyes and food coloring, and soda pop beverages. These countries have taken these measures to protect the over health and wellbeing of their country. …show more content…
Every living thing on earth needs to rely on food to sustain its life. Our ecological system was naturally designed to provide us with water, vitamins, nutrients, and minerals without any assistance from mad scientist who intentionally manipulate nature in their man made Petri dishes and science labs. Pharmaceutical companies that invest in the development of seeds and modified foods claim to do so because of decrease food insecurities throughout the world but in my opinion their tampering with Mother Nature is contributing to food insecurities and poverty for people who were use to farming