gay or lesbian.
Religion has a big part on gay marriages now because the thought of being gay or lesbian was so unthinkable in the early years of America. There was no such thing as being gay, lesbian, or same-sex marriages back when there was Jesus or God that even today some people cannot even accept it. There was not even a discussion about the topic because it was against everything God has preached. In all religions, Americans back in the day believed loving the same-sex was a sin and a disgraced in god’s graces, but there were some religions that were so far out of god’s graces. Took the Mormons’, for an example. “They believe that all the other religions were fake, and that the only people they should worship is God and the savor” (Griffin, PP3, 10/28/15) This meant all other God’s were fakes, and knowing that Americans still counted it as a religion that is still here today. So if some Americans can accept that religion, then they should be able to accept gay marriage. “The Supreme Court made a ruling about legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide. The court ruled that clergy and religious organizations are not obliged to perform same-sex marriages, but at a cost” (Pew Research Center). This ruling can go for either of the parties. The ruling works for gay marriage because the Supreme Court made it legal for the same-sex to be married. The ruling works against gay marriage too, because the church and the clergy have the right to refuse to perform the same sex, but at the cost of tax-exempt status. Most of the largest religions have remained firmly against allowing same sex marriage. This includes the Roman Catholic Church and any evangelical Protestant denominations. “At the same time, several other religious groups also have moved to allow same-sex couples to marry within their traditions” (Pew Research Center). This includes clergy from the Episcopal Church. Also, the Presbyterian Church, voted to formally sanction same-sex marriage earlier this year. The Episcopal Church and Presbyterian Church are two of main Protestant churches debating this issue.
The other two main Protestant churches, The United Methodist Church and Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, have been struggling for years on the issue of gay marriages.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of America allows the clergy to determine their own policies. “The United Methodist Church does not allow same-sex marriages, but there is a spilt in the Church over some clergy flouting the rules and marrying same-sex couples and other, more conservative members threatening to leave if the church does not hold to its current rules prohibiting gay marriage” (Pew Research Center).
Gay marriage and religion go hand and hand with each other. Religion is one of the main reasons that people are having a debate over gay marriage. Even with laws being passed, some churches still will not allow same-sex couples to be marry into their religion. Churches that are against gay marriage can have a choice to deny the people their right to be marry, but by doing so they will get punish with tax exempts and that their choice. Religions or churches should not interfere with the rights people to have when they get married. In the future, maybe all religions will be able to accept gay