How would we hunt big and small game? 5 years ago,there was around 13.7 million hunters over the age of 15 in the US. They spent $7.7 billion on guns,sights,ammunition, and other equipment. “According to the National Shooting Sports Foundation ‘So called assault weapons are more often than not less powerful than hunting rifles. The term assault weapon was conjured up by anti-gun legislators to scare voters into thinking these firearms are …show more content…
something out of a horror movie … The Colt AR-15 and Springfield M1A, both labeled assault weapons, are the rifles most used for marksmanship competitions in the United States. And their cartridges are standard hunting calibers, useful for game up to and including deer.”(
Also, if we have gun control then our government will have more power and we would have less power as the people.
This would result in government tyranny and we would not have a sense of safety and we wouldn’t be able to protect ourselves. And, low gun ownership laws doesn’t prevent suicide. Gun safety classes prevent suicides and bully prevention helps prevent suicides. People can also talk to people if they are thinking about hurting themselves or someone else.
“Gun control laws are racist.”( This is proved if you just do a simple Google search. Gun control laws are focused over and over again in poor black communities, that are perceived as ‘more dangerous’. This is not true because there are plenty of white, asian, or black people that could just go out and shoot up a school. It is just so that the people in charge, who are hungry for power are just showing everyone that they can make a law, and we can’t do anything about it. Well, we can and people just have to make themselves
In Mexico, there are extremely strict gun control laws, but they have proven ineffective over time. A few years ago, there were 11,309 murders in Mexico, even after they put strict gun laws in action. After, they were put into action, it seems as if it got better at first, then went right back to where it was. But, this all just proves that having gun control laws will not help, but will instead make it so that people in the everyday world becomes a criminal, just by wanting to hunt to provide for their families!