An unkempt man thinks little of themselves and of others. (24) Same is applied to lawns. A lawn is your outdoor living room first thing people see when they approach the house. (24) The summer of 1953 when prohibition on water, reduced the time you were allowed to water your lawn. (28) So many people began sneaking watering their lawns at night. It seemed like people would rather their house burn down than their grass turn brown. (28) Many people believed that the rationing of the water would result in slow deterioration of the lawns looks consequently the property value of the community. (28) The lawns were a great success it played the lead role in the suburban American Dream. (44) The perfect lawn represented the perfect life. Mom, dad, and the kids. (44) Many advertising use the lawn as a prop, it represent the unproblematic and togetherness of the family. …show more content…
People would water their lawns with no sense of conservancy. (28) It was recommended to people that they should cut their grass and instead of just blowing the clippings away, leave them on your lawn. It is proven that the excess clipping have a little fertilizer value to them. (29) The clippings will break down and return nutrients back into the soil, that’s what many people failed to understand. (29) By doing this, you are able to get away with going to lawn care store two times a year instead of going five or six times, to get fertilizer to feed your lawn. (29) Yes indeed the fertilizer made the grass grow and grow. It seemed like it was a never ending turf war going on. Constant watering, fertilizing, and mowing going on. (29) Everyone wanted the best looking lawns. Keeping your lawn in good shape is a way of giving back to the community. It cleans the air an grass is one of the biggest oxygen producers. (107) Even if you don’t recycle, you are still doing your part for nature by tending to your lawn. (107) Grass keeps soil in place, prevents the soil from taking flight when the wind picks up. (111) Although many people took great care of their lawns. The turf industry had people reaching for their oxygen masks. (111) Everybody bought their lawns from the hardware store, just like you get electricity from a plug in the wall. (111) People never heard of raising grass