Year eleven was a bit of a dummy run where academics are concerned. Last year we dipped our toes into the world of NCEA, and to be quite honest it was quite easy. I breezed somewhat through my exams without too much revision and drinking copious amounts …show more content…
Sweating over decisions, attempting to get the perfect dress, shoes, makeup and hair. There is an expectation that you should look like a princess for the night. I thought that after meticulous planning and preparation I had everything flawless. It felt like a fairytale. Perhaps I put too much pressure on myself to have an amazing time because, in the end I spent the entire night wishing it was better. Everybody spent the night trying to please each other, this gave the atmosphere a forced feeling it was like we were playing dress up. All the stress and the $500 I spent wasn't really worth a night that in ten years I probably won't remember all that well. The ball is one exciting night of our lives but there is plenty more opportunities to have fun in our lives. The ball has made me realise that there is so much more to come outside of year twelve and the realm of