Cigar and pipe smokers have a higher risk of Lung Cancer than non-smokers. ( lung cancer 1 ) Even cigar and pipe smokers who do not even inhale are at increased risk for lung, mouth, and other types of cancers. ( lung cancer 2 ) Cigar and pipe smokers will most likely develop Lung Cancer over a non-smoking person. Globally, as of 2008, World …show more content…
( lung cancer 1 ) According to CDC estimates, in 2013, 228,190 americans will die of lung cancer, and 159,480 will be diagnosed with lung cancer in 2013. ( lung cancer 1 ) Lung Cancer takes away important american lives everyday. The risk of Lung Cancer in ex smokers begins to decline about five years after quitting. ( lung cancer 1 ) Lung Cancer usually occurs in people over fifty years old who have a long history of smoking. ( lung cancer 1 ) Lung Cancer happens to more older people and the risk of Lung Cancer declines after quitting. Ex smokers have a decreased risk of Lung Cancer and younger people have a least likely risk of developing Lung