
Persuasive Essay On Mandatory Drug Testing

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Last year, I started my first real summer job. I had to attend orientation, complete a physical and submit a drug test. All of these were requirements for me to obtain my job. If I were to fail my drug test, I would not have been able to obtain employment in order to weed eat all day, as this is ultimately what my job consisted of. Of course I passed my drug test, but I find it very aggravating that I, in order to be able to weed eat all day, had to supply a drug test when there are people who are getting free money from the government and they do not. It is my opinion, that everyone who is receiving any kind of assistance from the government should have mandatory drug testing done. In 1935, President Roosevelt signed the signed …show more content…

When the American taxpayer, who is paying taxes to provide money for others in this country , has to provide a drug test in order to get a job, then the recipients of the money should have to do the same. If a taxpayer can get fired for doing drugs will working then a recipient of welfare should be kicked out of the system for testing positive for drugs. The system itself was put in place to provide assistance for those that needed it, not to become a way of life. This kind of lifestyle is generational. The children of these parents see their parents abusing the system and they are taught to do the same thing. So completing a drug test on a welfare recipient not only will help them to get off of the drugs and ultimately out of the system but will make the parents of the children be accountable for their children and hopefully breaking the generational thought that living off of the government is ok. Something has to be done, the government cannot continue to support and fund this program and neither can the American people. It is coming down to each person taking care of themselves. If the government does not do this and eliminate the applicants available for the help, everyone will ultimately suffer, worse than it is

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