Firstly, an animated series will help bring the books to life. For example, when you are watching an animated series you get to see all the events flow together as they happen. In the Maus books …show more content…
During that section, Vladek worked with Manchie to get the boot over to from one side of the camp, to the other. However, it was not clear and I had to reread those 3 pages over and over again to understand how that whole process worked. And if this was made into an animated series, you be able to see how everything flowed together smoothly with any interruptions. Books that are allegorical or have a deep meaning commonly use the use of easter eggs to engage with the reader. So, seeing everything moving in one clip instead of static images, the audience will be able to see new things faster. This engages the audience more than a book because unlike a book, we don't set the pace that we are experiencing the story with. And in a movie, if something is intense or scary the music, and pace of the actual characters helps set the mood. Having animated episodes helps us see the way two or more events are intertwined and how the outcome of one event dictates the outcome of the next one. This helps making the plot clearer. Finally, animated shows can bring something to the audience …show more content…
For instance, when you have more episodes and the viewers have finished watching them it will force Spiegelman to make more episodes. When Spiegelman finishes converting the two books into episodes, he will need to come up with more stories to help give more to his audience. Since Maus will be different from most other shows it will help bring up even more new Maus fans that will most likely read the books and watch those episodes. This will expand the Maus franchise even more because the popularity of Maus will grow as the word from previous fans goes around. As a result, an expansion of the Maus franchise will give Spiegelman more opportunities as an author and an artist which might eventually make Spiegelman produce more books and movies which will help build on his popularity and