The Open Arms Pet Rescue Organization impacted me personally. Its mission is to save dogs that are being mistreated and abused. The organization treats dogs with love, care, and respect. In 2007, 64.5 percent of dogs were abused. I have two yellow labs at home and I couldn't imagine them getting hurt. If I saw any animal being mistreated I would want to get it out of harms way as soon as possible and that's what this group has done.
Many people are not able to raise a family on minimum wage. Workers are working hard but not getting a big paycheck in return. Then, poverty becomes an issue. One out of every sixth Americans are living in poverty. Those who are in poverty are making less than $40,000 a year. It must be tough for parents that are getting paid minimum wage to raise a family. This is where my group’s organization called …show more content…
Before this project I did not think about the injustice of minimum wage when it came to supporting a family. Now I realize that many Americans are dealing with poverty due to minimum wage. Their wages aren't supporting all the necessities that they need. There are an ample amount of problems in the world that need to be fixed. We should care for our brothers and sisters in Christ that are dealing with hardships. Also, we should care for nature and our environment. Now I am more aware of injustices that are going on today, and I am motivated to help make a