They are making minimum wage while trying to provide for their families. Most of them living paycheck to paycheck just barely making ends meat. To help ease the financial burden these people seek government assistance. The government assistance people receive includes food stamps, health insurance, section eight, and many other government programs. By raising minimum wage not only will it help the people receiving it, but it will also help the government because the number of people receiving government assistance will decrease. Now the government can use that money elsewhere. According to Scheiber “A number of researchers have found that modestly higher minimum wages can raise incomes for low-wage workers”(A1). The cost of living is slowly increasing. Necessities such as food, public transportation, rent, clothes, and utilities. By raising the minimum wage will also help people to afford the basic necessities of life without relying on the government for
They are making minimum wage while trying to provide for their families. Most of them living paycheck to paycheck just barely making ends meat. To help ease the financial burden these people seek government assistance. The government assistance people receive includes food stamps, health insurance, section eight, and many other government programs. By raising minimum wage not only will it help the people receiving it, but it will also help the government because the number of people receiving government assistance will decrease. Now the government can use that money elsewhere. According to Scheiber “A number of researchers have found that modestly higher minimum wages can raise incomes for low-wage workers”(A1). The cost of living is slowly increasing. Necessities such as food, public transportation, rent, clothes, and utilities. By raising the minimum wage will also help people to afford the basic necessities of life without relying on the government for