The biggest issue for prenatal genetic testing is the attainability. Facilities that do offer tests are not on health insurance plans, or are too expensive for low-income families. Low income families, high-risk families that are self-employed or work part-time will not be able to afford or get health insurance (Pergament). Certain testing facilities that are privately owned raise funds on their own, but legislation should be passed to have government-funded facilities that can offer prenatal genetic testing to those low-income families. There is an already existing group that produces funds for testing, “The Prenatally and Postnatally Diagnosed Conditions …show more content…
Though there are tests and testing facilities that do the genetic tests, prenatal genetic testing is not accessible to all at-risk or concerned families expecting a baby. Government funding should be put towards prenatal genetic testing to increase accessibility to testing facilities, discover more testing forms, and give more autonomy to physicians. With these improvements, low income-families and anyone with a family history of genetic diseases can find out and prepare for any irregularities before the baby is