Bullying takes place everyday in every school across the country. These schoolchildren could be slipping mean notes into these lockers, but the principal would never find out about them because random locker searches aren’t being conducted. The bully could threaten to injure the victim so they will not squeal on them to the principal, so the only way the school would find out if by locker searches. These pupils could harm themselves because of the bullying that has been taking place, so random locker searches could prevent the injury to their students.
In contrast, random locker searches in America’s school systems contravene with the privacy of our young Americans. The students feel like it is a violation of privacy to have locker searches because they might have belonged in there that they do not want the school officials to see. Privacy is important, but not as important as the safety of the children of America. These students do not care about the safety of others as long as their privacy is not tarnished.
In conclusion, although many pupils feel it is a violation of privacy to have random locker searches, other students feel that it increases their safety and prevents bullying. The school children of America would feel more prone to harm and bullying if random locker searches aren’t conducted. In the future, the schools will need to realize that they need to put safety over confidentiality and consider doing random locker searches in their