Are you prepared to give up the control of your personal vehicle to reduce or even stop traffic related deaths and injuries? Over the years that figure continues to rise; now we’re doing something about it. Google have produced one of the several autonomous vehicles that exist today and they are testing them on public roads in busy cities. Some experts believe autonomous vehicles might reduce or even stop traffic related deaths and injuries. Since last year, according to Amanda Hoover, “Traffic related deaths have increased by 10.4 percent” (Hoover. Para. 5). Autonomous vehicles are an intelligent idea. We Should have Should have self-driving cars because not only will they stop traffic deaths and incidents but the cars are programmed to follow the rules and they are more attentive of other moving objects around them.
One reason autonomous vehicles are an ingenious idea is because they are set to follow the rules. For example, Amanda claims “Autonomous vehicles don’t hold problems focusing on what’s in front of them and they are programmed to follow the law” (Hoover Para. 10). If all vehicles on the roads were self-driving, …show more content…
The evidence they give is, According to Richtel “Googles car was hit behind by a human-driven sedan.” (Richtel M. Para.1). They have a valid point, modern technology like self-driving cars could malfunction because it hasn’t been completely tested in real scenarios. However, they are incorrect because according to lane filler, “The average malfunctioning computer can still drive better than most humans today” (Filler para. 4). In conclusion, we should have autonomous vehicles because they are programmed to always follow all the traffic rules. Also, they are more aware of other cars and objects around them than human drivers. They don’t speed when they are late for work or an