
Persuasive Essay On Sugary Drinks

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For many years, obesity has been a “chronic disease” of America. With an increased number of the population having this ailment, many government officials have different opinions of how to confront this issue. One idea is to limit the maximum size of sugary drinks sold to customers. The theory with this ban is that by cutting out a large portion of sugar from people’s diets the amount of the population with obesity will decrease. However, this idea itself is flawed. Therefore, local and state government should not limit the size of sugary drinks because it would contain too many loopholes, directly control other businesses, and affect people’s rights to control what goes into their bodies.
By only limiting the size of the drink, there are many loopholes which would give
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Yes, the restricted sizing would be a small step to the diminishment of obesity, but many more changes would need to be enforced to have a large effect on the population. For example, sugar in foods and drinks is not solely responsible for the obesity epidemic in America. Obesity can be caused by a combination of lack of exercise, unhealthy eating, genetics, and environment. In lower class areas unhealthy food and drink options are preferable because they usually cost much less than other more nutritious ones. For instance, at McDonald's cheeseburgers or french fries can be bought for a dollar, but a salad would cost the customer close to five dollars. Joy Dubost, a nutritionist who works for the National Restaurant Association revealed another flaw, the belief that by eliminating large portions will have a large effect, by stating, “It’s not reasonable to blame or cite one product. [The proposal] produces a false sense of accomplishment in the fight against obesity.”(Gross). This demonstrates that even trained professionals understand the flaws in a potential

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