One way it would affect the school is that the amount of bills would increase. The school would have a higher electric bill, water bill, and other bills. More money would have to be spent on paying the teachers and bus drivers, as well as paying for the gas for school buses. It is likely that textbooks, desks, chairs, and other necessities would have to be replaced more often as well. These bills would add up and in the end, year-round schooling creates the need for more
One way it would affect the school is that the amount of bills would increase. The school would have a higher electric bill, water bill, and other bills. More money would have to be spent on paying the teachers and bus drivers, as well as paying for the gas for school buses. It is likely that textbooks, desks, chairs, and other necessities would have to be replaced more often as well. These bills would add up and in the end, year-round schooling creates the need for more