expression, can help students to make good choices, and promotes religious tolerance and acceptance. Students should be provided with option of praying in schools or not, so students can openly express their religious beliefs and expressions.
For example , the First Amendment to the United States Constitution declares that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”. Students should have the right to show their religious expressions during school hours.Also, there was a time when students had to stand and say the “ Pledge Of Allegiance” everyday before a class starts. The difference between these two situations is that students were forced to say the Pledge Of Allegiance, but they were not forced to pray in schools. The Pledge Of Allegiance is known to be a national expression in the United States of America , which states “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. Students in the United States was forced to recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning before a class began many students did not believe in saying the …show more content…
Pledge of Allegiance , because the Pledge of Allegiance states “ Under God “. According to Roy Spechkardt , “ The Pledge discriminates against atheists and others who are good without a god” . Mostly all of the schools in America will not allow students to pray, but they will make the students say the Pledge , which is referring to a god .Schools should allow students to pray in schools , which they will have a right to because of the First Amendment.Unarguably , more students would be more involved in praying at school because most students believe in one type of religion. Prayer in schools can bring more students and teachers together showing the love for their beliefs. If more students have the opportunity to express their feelings and religious expressions, there would be a better outcome for students within the public school systems .
Prayer in schools can have a better outcome for many students.
Most students around the world believe that praying can help them in everyday life. Most of the students go to his or her God to seek guidance or seek help to get through something. Praying can help many youths make better choices in his or her life. According to President Clinton, “ Religion is too important in our history and our heritage for us to keep it out of our schools. It should not be demanded , but as long as it is not sponsored by school officials and does not interfere with other children’s rights, it must not be denied”. Praying in public schools was normal for young teenagers until 1962 when the Supreme Court banned prayer in schools . “ To provide every school district in America with a statement of principles addressing the extent to which religious expression and activity are permitted” (Clinton ). Praying in public schools was a good thing for young teenagers until 1962 , when the Supreme Court banned prayer in schools . “ School prayer would result in many societal benefits. The public school system is tragically disintegrating as evidenced by the rise in school shootings, increasing drug use, alcoholism, teen pregnancy, and HIV transmission. School prayer can help combat these issues, would instill a sense of morality and is desperately needed to protect our children” ( All About History) .Public schools cannot endorse on religious activities, but students can because of the First
Amendment right stating that everyone in America can have Establishment of Religion . Schools can not forbid students from expressing their religious view or beliefs. Praying in schools can help a lot with our youth and younger generations to come . Through prayer most troubled youths will look for guidance , purity ,purpose , and commentient. Praying can really help youth with their day to day struggles. Unarguably , youths who pray or believe in one type of religion or in someone can help them better themselves.
Many people can honestly say that prayer should not be in public schools. Students can choose whether or not to pray in there school because of their First Amendment right referring to Freedom of Speech . Most public schools still allow student-led or student-organized groups. For example , about two hundred and twenty three years ago our founding fathers made the constitution. Most of the constitution states that everyone has the right to religious tolerance and understanding . But the question in today’s society will be Can prayer be accepted in public schools again or will it still be banned . Promoting religious tolerance in public schools can help keep most youths out of trouble . If the public schools promote religious tolerance and acceptance in their youths it can have a better outcome for many students.According to Eric Hovind , “Allowing prayer in school sets an important standard. It tells students that they are more than just a collection of chemicals and energy that happen to be occupying space and time. Prayer is an action which proclaims that life is more than saving the environment or accumulating wealth. The fervency with which school prayer is opposed is not because the ACLU (an anti-Christian legal group) is trying to protect atheist from being indoctrinated by religion. It is opposed because it represents the antithesis to the beliefs of those who set policy for much of our public school system”. If more prayer groups and leadership groups were placed in more students life’s it will have a positive impact on young teens in todays society.Leadership groups for youths can be very beneficial for troubled youths with in the public school systems.
Prayer can form a bond between you and your God , can teach you to take a better look at things , and will teach you acceptance within your religion to another. Students should be allowed to expression his or her religious ways within their schools. Most schools do not allow students to show his or her expressions . Praying can guide you into a different way of life , and can help you become a better person. Praying can also teach you how to accept your religious beliefs , and even someone else’s religion. If the public school system change their outlook on praying in school , it could change a lot within the students. Putting prayer back into schools can really help improve the school systems . If the students have an opportunity to support school prayer , it will help them take in all the benefits of society , and also help them learn that can they stand together for their beliefs.