Laura Warren
English A098
December 8, 2015
Why College Textbook Should Be Free? “The National Association of College Stores says the average college student will spend $655 on textbooks each year, but with a single textbook easily costing as much as $300, that total can easily be much higher.” ( The amount of text books that college students are required to purchase for class is very high. Textbooks are one of the most expensive items to pay for in college. Students forget in college you have to start paying for books, they aren’t handed to you for free like in HighSchool. There are people throughout the world that can’t even afford to come to college. So how would they pay for college fees and textbook prices. College textbooks are expensive, therefore textbooks should be free because they affect the quantity of education, they cause other supplies to not be affordable, and they cause major money issues. Expensive college textbooks affect the quantity of education. According to U.S News 65% of students said, “they decided against buying a book required for class.”( Students are not buying a book for a certain class because of the cost. Therefore, the cost of textbooks affect which or how many classes a student should choose to take each semester. Students are wasting money …show more content…
Colleges do not provide them to the students, students have to find some other way to reduce the cost of purchasing books. High textbooks prices have college students struggling. According to U.S. News, “ 2,000 college students in 33 states and 156 different countries, the average student spends as much as $1,200 each year in textbooks and supplies alone.”( “About one in four first-year students and one in three seniors frequently did not purchase required academic materials because of cost, says a 2012 study by the non-profit National Survey of Student