Quick, fast and in a hurry is usually how people live today and if one is lucky enough to find true love and commit to a relationship why will the sexual orientation matter. The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader of facts and personal opinions of why gay marriages should be legalized. Gay marriages have been a global issue for many years. Despite all the laws passed, people will continue to have an issue because people always feel the need to voice their opinions. To every issue there are two sides: People against same-sex marriage and those in favor of it. The legalization of same-sex marriage will not hinder or jeopardize our nation. Everyone is entitled to their happiness and should be able to live their life with whoever makes them happy, male or female. For the many gay and lesbian individuals in society, their goal is to have a marriage that will be honored just like a marriage between a man and woman. Allowing …show more content…
same-sex marriages will be for the greater good of the gay community. In my opinion, I do not see a problem with gay marriages being legalized, marriage is the union of two people in love, and gender should not matter. Since 1971, the issue of allowing same-sex marriages has been on the horizon.
In Minnesota where the first case was presented Baker v. Nelson the court determined that homosexuals did not have the right to marry because marriage is between a man and a woman. But in who’s book? Maryland became the first state to ban same-sex marriages and in years to follow 45 out of 50 states reach the same agreement by 1994. In 1996 President Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act into law; this law banned the Federal Government from recognizing any sort of same-sex union. In 1999, the Vermont Supreme Court ruled in the Baker v. Vermont case that same-sex couples were entitled to the same right, protection and benefits as heterosexual couples. In 2011, President Obama instructed the Justice Department to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act, because of concerns that it violates the equal protection component of the 5th Amendment. Currently to date the United States has 9 states that allow same-sex
marriages: * Massachusetts (2004) * Connecticut (2008) * Iowa (2009) * Vermont (2009) * New Hampshire (2010)
* New York (2011) * Washington (2012) * Maryland (effective 2013) * District of Columbia (2010)
And 10 countries throughout the world that allow same-sex marriages: * * The Netherlands (2000) * Belgium (2003) * Canada (2005) * South Africa (2006) * Norway (2009) * Argentina (2010) * Iceland (2010) * Portugal (2010) * Brazil and Mexico (within certain areas)
(http://gaymarriage.procon.org). As humans we all have rights and needs in life. Heterosexual and homosexual needs are not any different besides that the other person in their personal life is of the same sex. People whom are opposed to same-sex marriages have a set mentality that marriage is traditional and should only between a man and woman. But marriage is a symbol of love and commitment so how can marriage be defined as only for man and woman. Society, the government, laws, etc. should not determine how one chooses to live their personal life. “The United States Supreme Court declared that “freedom of personal choice in matters of marriage and family life is one of the liberties protected by the Due Process” (http://gaymarriage.procon.org). There is an abundance of reasons why same-sex couples should have the right to marriage but a particular reason stands out in my opinion. In the event of a near death accident a woman can report to the hospital and be granted access to visit her husband and make decisions on his behalf if he is unable to do so. On the other hand, if the person in the accident was gay his or her partner will not be able to visit nor make a decision on their behalf. The Golden Rule is a great example for this situation, “treat others as you would want to be treated” (Mosser p.17). A person’s sexual preference should not change how things are normally completed. Any person heterosexual or homosexual would want to see their spouse, partner, children, parents, etc. when a serious medical issue occurs, but those options are not given to the homosexuals, and that is wrong. Another issue a same-sex couple can encounter is the challenge of home ownership. Due to the fact that a gay couple is not married it is hard to establish a mortgage in both their names, which can possibly make a couple not qualify because of financial restrains. Sexual preference should not interfere with anything involving income or credit. The idea of being denied but knowing that both incomes can afford it is mind blowing. Homosexuals pay taxes just like everyone else, yet a homosexual couple cannot file income taxes together which will never lower their tax bracket or provides them extra incentives/credits within their tax return. Same-sex couples raise children yet the couple cannot both reap the benefits of Child-Tax credit because they cannot file jointly. Some states recognize civil unions and domestic partnerships but do you think that is the answer or morally justified alternative? In my opinion, civil unions should not be the alternative, that is not the answer, nor is it fair. Although civil unions, provide similar benefits and protections as marriage the bottom line is that it is not a marriage. Our history tells us that we have civil rights and should all be treated equally, so why can a man and woman marry but not a man and man or female and female? The equality of marriage should be for everyone, heterosexual or homosexual. Religion is a major part of why marriage of same-sex couples is denied. Majority of religious groups consider homosexuality a sin. On the other hand, our First Amendment protects the right to freedom of religion. Marriage licenses are provided from the state in which we reside, it has nothing to do with religion, yet it is still banned from so many states. Just because a religion group(s) views same-sex marriages as a sin that should not mean that our government does also, because it is clearly a violation of our Constitutional Rights. It has been said that since same-sex couples cannot pro-create then they should not be allowed to marry, so does that goes to say that a woman who is infertile or a man who it sterile cannot marry? Of course not! A same-sex couple may not be able to conceive a child together, but there are other ways to have a baby, and adoption can also be a possibility. With so many children waiting for loving families, a homosexual couple and the child will benefit. Many believe that a child being raised in a homosexual household will lose sight of family values or be confused. In my opinion, children are raised in a normal fashion, by two people whom show him or her love and affection and their sexual preference does not interfere with their raising the children. Being homosexual is not a learned behavior, it is either biological or you’re preference. The concepts and reasons behind why same-sex marriages are so wrong in societies mind is because people are so used to the norm. In today’s world most people live in a fast pace and most do not slow down to enjoy life. When two people find the time regardless of their sexual orientation to make a commitment it should be left un-judged by man. It should be left to the beliefs of those making the commitment and their belief to a higher power. Marriage is a union of two people whom love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives with one another. People do not get married for status, tax benefits, decision making, they marry because marriage is an expression of their love for each other. In my opinion neither society nor religion should oppose or impose restrictions within a same-sex relationship. Ultimately it is not affecting anyone in the process. People have their right to disapprove of such marriages but that is their opinion that does not give them the right and/or have the power to end it.
Barry, P. (2011). Same-Sex Marriage and the Charge of Illiberality. Social Theory & Practice, 37(2), 333-357. http://gaymarriage.procon.org Mosser, K. (2010). Introduction to ethics and social responsibility. San Diego, Bridgepoint Education, Inc
Williams, R. (2011). Same-Sex Marriage and Equality. Ethical Theory & Moral Practice, 14(5), 589-595. doi:10.1007/s10677-010-9261-8