What exactally are stem cells? The Center for Bioethics and Human dignity states that the difination of them cell are the vital cells from whick all of the two hundred ten different kinds of tissue in the human body originate. And why are some people saying that it is not morally right? Most arguments on the topic of trem cell research are that to obtain stem cells, a scientist or embryologist must extract the cells from a human embryo. After the cells are extracted, the embryo is unable to grow and ultimately dies. Some scientists that work for the American Association for the Advancement of Science believe that stem cell research can co-exist with the Supreme Court's 1973 legalization of abortion. The same survey that was posted on religioustolerance.com, states that before hearing all sides of the
What exactally are stem cells? The Center for Bioethics and Human dignity states that the difination of them cell are the vital cells from whick all of the two hundred ten different kinds of tissue in the human body originate. And why are some people saying that it is not morally right? Most arguments on the topic of trem cell research are that to obtain stem cells, a scientist or embryologist must extract the cells from a human embryo. After the cells are extracted, the embryo is unable to grow and ultimately dies. Some scientists that work for the American Association for the Advancement of Science believe that stem cell research can co-exist with the Supreme Court's 1973 legalization of abortion. The same survey that was posted on religioustolerance.com, states that before hearing all sides of the