In one page, write a persuasive letter to an actual company of your choice about donating funds to an actual charitable organization. You will need to research the company to see if it donates to charities and what kinds of charities the company would be most interested in. You might need to make a phone call to determine who at the company makes decisions regarding donations. You will also need to research the charitable organization to find out what it does, how it uses donations, the amount of money it might need, what kinds of services might be needed, and how to donate. If you wish, you could make this a real-world situation, but please do not actually send the letter out yet. …show more content…
You will need to fully introduce and describe your charity and its mission–even if you are using a charity that is well known. When asking for a monetary donation, be specific about the amount needed, why it is needed, and when it is needed. If you are asking for services, you will need to explain in detail what kinds of services are being requested and when they will be needed. If an event is planned, you need to describe the event fully–who, what, when where, why, etc. You might also describe any possible benefits to the company that might accrue from its donation. In other words, provide all the necessary details for your business executive to decide whether or not to