To: Billy Stubblefield, President
From: Darrell Pace, Manager
Date: November 19, 2013
Subject: Permission to continue research
My name is Darrell Pace and I am requesting to continue research for the implementation of a Spanish curriculum in the Professional Academy Day School. The proposed research will greatly impact our students, parents, and faculty because the world is becoming increasingly interconnected. Parents are turning to language immersion programs for their toddlers and preschoolers. Some are motivated by the desire to preserve family heritage and culture. Others see early language instruction as a way to provide their children with the academic and cognitive advantages. It is very important for the Professional Academy Day School to accommodate the interest of our parents who entrust their children to us, to teach them skills that are beneficial now and in the future.
When we offer the children in our day school the very best curriculum, it enhances our credibility among our competition and the community. According to the article by Stephanie Meade, “7 benefits of Raising Bilingual Kids”, it shows that bilingual children have the following advantages over that of monolingual students:
Bilingual children have a better ability to focus and ignore distractions in the environment
Bilingual kids can switch from one activity to another faster and are better at multitasking.
Bilinguals have increased mental flexibility and creativity.
Bilingual children in dual-immersion schools have been shown in one study to score higher on both verbal and math standardized test conducted in English
Bilingual children display stronger logic skills and are better equipped at solving mental puzzles
Being bilingual carries over throughout life as it alters brain chemistry and starving off the onset of Alzheimer’s.
After learning two languages, it makes it more apt for learning a third language
The advantages of a child being immersed