I hope this letter reaches you in good health and good graces. I am writing this letter to tell you about this persistent issue I’ve had with my teeth. It all started when I was told that along with my four wisdom teeth I had to get an extra tooth which was growing on the bottom right row, extracted as well. After the first grueling month of post wisdom tooth extraction pain, came more problems. Now I have a hole in my mouth on that bottom right row and, I cant go one meal still to this day without it bleeding, and let me remind you that my teeth were extracted about six to eight months ago and the hole still bleeds after a meal, snack etc. Which also makes it hard when you want to get food out of that hole. Because the gap is wide enough after every meal something gets stuck in there and if the hole is punctured with a straw, fork, toothpick, dental floss in efforts to get the food out, it will not only cause more pain but more bleeding as well. This explains why the gap is swollen, because its been stabbed multiple times in efforts to get the food out, so now its become sore. The days you do not have a straw, fork, toothpick or dental floss readily available, the food stays there making the pain more unbearable, and making it more possible for infections. Imagine having to deal with this everyday, and your a sixteen year old boy with a job which requires a lot of talking, and with every time you move your mouth, you feel a pain from this throbbing hole, which the doctors who took your wisdom teeth and your extra tooth out said would be handled by braces, all that would be needed was the insurance company to say yes. So after breakfast, lunch and dinner, I have to take a Tylenol or Advil to reduce the pain, swelling and bleeding, and each day that I take one, the drowsier I become, which makes it a lot harder for me to do my job when Im extremely groggy. On top of all this my breathing has gotten heavier from after the extraction of the tooth, especially…