MY OBJECTIVE: 000 would be my client next week.
NEEDS: My audience 000 has the following needs
1. Money-smart spending plan which keeps 7% annual earning under 30% market ups and downs.
2. Retirement Plan for 20 years later.
3. Have more time to take care of his work and family.
1. Being employed as his personal financial consultant.
2. Given at least three hundred thousand dollars to manage.
How it works:
1. I will review his financial situation including income, expense, insurance, tax, investment, debt, saving, and turnover money so that realize his investment experience and real goals of retirement.
2. Risk tolerance and flexibility will be taken into consideration when reviewing his finical situation and investment plan. Accordingly, I will implement a cross research and sketch asset allocation strategies and then design a specific financial plan. Now, I will suggest him put his 50% of asset in investment, 30% in liquid asset, and 20% in short term trading.
3. I will keep him informed of market fluctuations and revise the investment strategies accordingly. Additionally, I will deliver a monthly summary of global market report so that he can easily keep up with the market.
1. Put every penny at proper position every time. He will achieve his goal easily.
2. $1,000,000 available money, complete medical care, and without debt..
3. Don’t worry about market or need to do research by himself. He could have more time to deal with other things.
Next Step:
Remit the money to my bank now.
Mr. 000 2009/4/10
Dear 000
I am so glad that we have a good conversation last week. In the struggling economy, I believe you have a great desire for a money-smart spending plan which keeps 7% annual earning under 30% market ups and downs. According our conversation, I realize your hankering for a good quality of retirement life. I also noticed that