Evan Flowers
All students in high school and college should be required to take at least two years of a foreign language.
A. Attention Grabber: Con el fin de encontrar un trabajo mundial tiene que hablar un segundo idioma (english: In order to find a global job you need to speak a second language)
B. Thesis: (It is crucial for students to take at least two years of a foreign language in high school not only so they are better equipped to apply to college but also to prepare them to find a job as part of a growing global economy. .)
C. Qualification: (I have taken Spanish I and II so far and plan on trying to learn more in college. I have friends who work in jobs where they have to be able to …show more content…
College Admissions 1: (Staring early in a foreign language in high school can help you get a better chance of being admitted to the college you want..) i. Requirements - According to the Princeton Review a lot of colleges and specialized programs flat out require you have two years of the same foreign language. More competitive schools like Harvard even require four years just as the baseline to apply. ii. College Resume- Even if your school does know require a certain amount of language credits, having them on your resume can set you apart from other candidates. Not only does it show you are concerned about a global perspective but also that you dedicated yourself to that language for two consecutive classes. iii. Head start - Finally many times upper level foreign language classes, such as some of the ones here at Kickapoo, can be dual-credit. A lot of colleges require a foreign language to graduate so this means not only can it help get you through the door.....but also out. You could fulfill your language requirement for your COLLEGE degree, before you even are in your freshman year. TRANSITION SENTENCE: (Being prepared for college also connects with having a more global